BISS GCHP Lockshire V Splendor Farm Messenger of Strength SL "Gabriel"
Finished his Platinum Level GCH under breeder Judge Rober Schwalbe and on the last day of his show career went BIS under breeder Judge Jane Fowler. Kathy and I are so proud of Gabriel finishing for 2023 #4 Breed and all-Breed, the only non-professionally handled longhair dachshund in the top ten. Proudly he finished #1 Owner handled Longhair Dachshund. Gabriel will now start his career in the performance areas. Thank you all for the support during his two years campaigning and congratulations to all our competitors.
Co-Bred and co-owned by Kelly Denise McKinney Splendor Farms and Kathy and Tom Lockyer.

GCHP Lockshire V Splendor Farm Messenger of Strength SL "Gabriel"
BOB at the Dachshund Club of Metropolitan Atlanta Specialties under breeder-judge Jane Fowler. A very special win for his retiring show. Gabriel will continue his career in performance events.
SIRE: GCHP Lockshire Cast Only Please SL
DAM: CH Splendor Farm Raise a Glass to Freedom SL
Contact us for stud privileges.

GCH Lockshire V Splendor Farm Lady Liberty SL "Liberty"
Liberty wins both variety specialities at Jackson MS under Gloria Kerr and Linda Hurlebus. First journey as a Special. She also came home with 2 group 3s, 2 NOHS 1s and a NOHS Group 2. Co-breeder and owner Kelly McKinney. by GCHP Lockshire V Splendor Farm Messenger of Strength and GCP Lockshire's Someday I May SL.

RBIS MNOHSBIS GCHS CH Lockshire's Someday I May SL aka "May"
GCHS RBIS BISS Lockshire's Someday I May SL finished 4th in breed and all breed, #1 bitch and #1 hound NOHS for 2021! May has retired to whelping box, Gabriel, her nephew, GCH CH LOCKSHIRE V Splendor Farm Messenger of Strength SL, will be starting his career as a special, now.

GCHS CH Lockshire's Someday I May SL, the #1 NOHS Longhair Dachshund and the #3 Breed as per Canine Chronicle, and the 2019 NOHS #5 Longhair bred by Splendor Farms and Tom and Kathleen Lockyer, of Lochshire Kennels, shown exclusively by Kathleen Lockyer, full sister to CH Splendor Farm Raise A Glass To Freedom, both out of GCH Lockshire's Walk The Line Splendor SL, the 2018 #2 Top Producing Longhair Dachshund, and the 2019 #8 Conformation Longhair recognized by Dachshund Club of America, wins Best in Show at the Peach Blossom Atlanta Cluster and again at the Valdosta Cluster.

May is JC's daughter and Eliza's sister and our 11th bred by Champion, finishing at 9 months with 3 Specialty Winners Bitch majors. Thank you Dianna Graham for this major. Bred by Kathleen Lockyer and Kelly McKinney and shown exclusively by Kathleen Lockyer.
GCHB LOCKSHIRE v Splendor Farm Lady Liberty SL aka "Liberty"
GCHS Lockshire V Splendor Farm Lady Liberty SL
2023-2024 NOHS #1 Longhair Dachshund
Liberty is currently #7 Breed and All-breed. She was only shown from the end of Dec. 23 to Sept. 2024. Now ready for Field Trials and puppies. Thank you to all the judges that found her quality.
GCHP Lockshire V Splendor Farm Messenger of Strength SL by
GCHP Lockshire's Some Day I May SL

At the St. Joseph Shows earns a Group 4 and a Group 1. Thank you judges Danelle Brown and Edmund Dziuk. Bred and owned by Tom and Kathy Lockyer and Kelly McKinney. Sire: GCHP Lockshire's Someday I May aka "May"
Splendor Farm V Lockshire Tullamore on the Rocks SL aka "Tulla"

Thank you to Judge Johnny R. Shoemaker for Tulla's three point major at her first show, The Nolan River Kennel Club, January 8, 2022. Kathleen Lockyer on the lead and co-owner, along with Tom Lockyer.
Splendor Farm Our Love is Here to Stay SWA, SBNE, SINE aka “Covington”

Lili & Covey in December, 2022. Covey took his Master Buried title 🏆, taking first 🥇and second🥈 and also took home some placements🥈🥈🏅 in advanced containers. (more ribbons below!)

Splendor Farm Our Love is Here to Stay SWA, SBNE, SINE aka “Covington” is owned and shown exclusively by Lily G. Of Chicago, IL
Splendor Farm Someone To Watch Over Me SWA, SCNE aka “Elliott”

Lili & the boys wound up the 2022 season with Elliott taking home his Excellent Container🏆 title and placing 🥉🥉3rd in 2 of those runs. He also took some 🥇🥇blue ones home for Advanced Interiors. (more ribbons below!)

Splendor Farm Someone To Watch Over Me SWA, SCNE aka “Elliott” is owned and shown exclusively by Lily G. of Chicago, IL
CH Splendor Farm Walking The Red Carpet aka "Ingrid"

CH Splendor Farm Walking The Red Carpet aka Ingrid finished in style with back to back Best of Variety 5 point major wins over Specials and a Group 4 at the tender age of 9 months old. Thank you to the all judges who recognized this beautiful girl and was able to see beyond her color. We feel she's one of the best creams out there and we're excited for the big things yet to come! Big thanks to Cindy Vogels for finishing Ingrid and to breeder judge Sheila Paske for the honor of a Group 4 in deep quality competition. Exclusively presented by Amanda Barron, Ingrid is our 21st bred by Champion.

Judge: Mr. Ken Murray
Best of Winners, Belvidere, IL

Judge: Breeder Judge Mr. David Peat
Winner's Bitch, Belvidere, IL
CH Splendor Farm The World Turned Upside Down SL aka "Turner"

Turner wins a major at Citrus County Kennel Club in Tampa, FL in August, 2021. Turner is our 22nd bred by Champion and is co-owned with, and shown exclusively by, Jennifer Ducharme.

Turner crossed over to get a 4 point major at the West Volusia Kennel Club by Judge Ms. JoAnne M. Buehler to take BOW/WD to claim his CH title after taking all major wins. Turner is our 22nd bred by Champion and is co-owned with, and shown exclusively by, Jennifer Ducharme.

BIS BISS MNOHSBIS GCHG Lockshire's Walk The Line At Splendor aka "JC"

GCH CH Lockshire V Splendor Messenger of Strength SL aka "Gabriel"

Gabriel wins a Group 3 in Memphis, TN, February 2022

GCH CH Lockshire V Splendor Messenger of Strength SL aka Gabriel was co-bred by Splendor Farms and out of CH Splendor Farm Raise A Glass to Freedom aka Eliza. He is our 12th bred by champion, co-owned with Tom and Kathleen Lockshire of Lockshire Kennels and shown exclusively by Kathleen Lockyer.
CH Splendor Farm V Lockshire Angel Of Divine Justice SL aka "Justine"

Splendor Farm V Lockshire Angel Of Divine Justice SL aka Justine is our 13th bred by champion shown exclusively by Kathleen Lockyer. Justine is getting ready to start field trial work later in 2021.
CH Splendor Farm V Lockshire Angel of Conditional Love SL aka "Sammi Jo"

CH Splendor Farm V Lockshire Angel of Conditional Love SL out of Eliza and she finished her championship under breeder-judge Hal Biermann, with Kathleen Lockyer handling. Sammi Jo is our 16th bred-by champion.
CH Splendor Farm V Lockshire Angel of Peace and Relationships SL aka "Angel"

CH Splendor Farm V Lockshire Angel of Peace and Relationships SL out of Eliza is our 17th bred-by champion and she finished with three 5-point majors with two being won at specialties. She was handled exclusively by Kathleen Lockyer. She will start field trials in the fall of 2021.
CH Splendor Farm Skating at the Rijks SL aka "Katie"
Image Coming Soon
CH Splendor Farm Skating at the Rijks SL is out of Georgia and is our 18th bred-by champion shown by Sue Cannimore.
CH Splendor Farm The Magic of Rembrandt SL aka "Remi"

CH Splendor Farm The Magic of Rembrandt SL is the full sister to Katie and is our 19th bred-by champion shown exclusively by Sue Cannimore and is co-owned with Kathleen Kaufmann.
GCH CH Splendor Farm Founding Fathers United We Stand SL aka "George"

GCH CH Splendor Farm Founding Fathers United We Stand SL is out of Georgia with Sue Cannimore on the lead, and recently took Best of Winners and Best of Breed for his second 5-point major, going over 4 champions in Midland, TX, under Judge Jon R. Cole.

Evaluating George as a 5 month old puppy
CH Splendor Farm Simeon's Song Of Praise SL
aka "Simon"

Simon is our third bred by Champion and will sire a litter of puppies with Gunner's daughter in Spring of 2018. He is sired by GCH DC Lockshire's Rembrandt SL RN NA NAJ NF out of CH Splendor Farm Pennies in a Stream SL.
GCH CH G Heritage Top Gun Splendor
aka "Gunner"
Gunner retired as the #7 Longhair Conformation Dachshund at Splendor Farms having once held the #4 Longhair Conformation Dachshund in the United States. He is available for stud for approved applicants.

Gunner wins a Group Four at his first show after taking a year and a half off!
Thank you to Judge Avery Gaudin and the Greater Muskegon Kennel Club.

Gunner is given the Award of Merit - Westminster 2018

CH Splendor Farm Pennies In A Stream SL
aka "Penny"

Penny is our second bred by champion and the dam of Simon.
She is retired and loving life in Virginia.
GCH CH Splendor Farm Washington On Your Side SL
aka "Hamilton"

Hamilton wins a Best of Variety at the Tampa Bay Kennel Club in January, 2022

Hamilton wins an Award of Excellence from Royal Canin at the AKC National Championship Dog Show in Orlando, FL, December 2021

Hamilton wins a Best of Variety at the Seminole Dog Fanciers Association show in Ocala, FL, November 2021

Hamilton wins a Best of Variety at the West Volusia Kennel Club Annual Dog Show in DeLand, FL, September 2021

Hamilton wins Best of Variety at Southeast Alabama Kennel Club in May, 2021

Hamilton wins Best of Variety at Lakeland Winter Haven Kennel Club in Lakeland, FL in February 2021

"Hamilton" (nephew to Gunner) is our 5th bred by Champion. He recently finished with a four-point major and is now GCH CH Splendor Washington On Your Side SL! Thank you to Judge Jon R. Cole and the Greater Daytona Dog Fancier's Association in Tampa, Florida.
CH Splendor Farm Masterpiece of Danae SL
aka "Bey"

CH Kenmar's Naughty or Nice at Splendor
aka "Neely"

Neely is a gorgeous black & tan longhair miniature out of CH Passport Kenmar Dances with Wolves ML and by GCH Kenmar's Charismatic from Scanpoint.
CH Splendor Farm Chocolate Sensation ML
aka "Chico"

Chico is our 10th bred by champion!
CH Splendor Farm Victory Made in America
aka "Armani"

Armani becomes our 9th bred by Champion, finishing with a 5-Point Major in Raleigh, NC. Thank you to Sue Cannimore for your professional and heartfelt handling of Armani! And thank you to Robin Danielle of Hart Dachshunds for believing in and loving him!
CH Splendor Farm Queen's Court V Kenmar@Niagra ML aka "Nova"

CH Splendor Farm Queen’s Court V Kenmar@Niagara ML is our 14th bred by Champion.
Co-owned with Julie Beckwith and handled by Tara Hartman.
CH Splendor Farm Entertaining The Angels SL
aka "Georgia"

Georgia is our 6th bred by Champion! She is handled by Ellen and Matt Perry.
CH Splendor Farm Singing To The Choir SL
aka "Maggie"

Maggie is our first bred by champion. Thank you Sue Cannimore for leading our Maggie through her AKC CH Title finish. And a big thank you to Judge Ms. Linda C. More for recognizing Maggie at the Baton Rouge Kennel Club, Inc. show in Alexandria, LA.
CH Splendor Farm Crossing The Delaware SL
aka "Gabriel"

Gabriel is our 7th bred by Champion!
